Red Letter Day
Red Letter Day
Red Letter Day is a special day that you should perform when all men can be present. However, this is not always possible. Please be creative to make it happen for all men on the same day, in person or remote if needed.
The day is designed to help each man realize the blessings they have been given through all the special relationships in thier life. Spouse, children, grand children, and friends. It's important for each man to know the impact their lives make in the lives of others.
Red Letter Day Letter Collection
This is your first step to creating a very unique experience for the men in your cohort.
You will need to give the primary contacts 6-9 weeks, depending on how difficult you think it may be to collect the letters, to write a personal letter and for them to ask all their close relationships to write a letter, to ensure that you recieve them in time.
You will collect letters for each member of your cohort. You will need to contact each man's primary contact in a secret way. i.e. email with a follow-up in the first week to be sure they got it and understand what you want them to do. However, you may have to be creative if a shared email is used. See the email requests and documents below.
Only give the letters out on the day of the event so that this remains a surprise to the men. Put each man's letters in a standard manila envelope with their name on it, so that everyone's packet looks the same whether there is one letter in it or multiple letters.
Red Letter Day Agenda Guide
Download the guide to help you make the necessary points and to set up the letters for your cohort's special day.
Tombstone PowerPoint Instructions
Download the PowerPoint and edit each man's tombstone slide to personalize it to your cohort. Slide #2 is an example and the first and last slide should only have dashes on them because you will have them showing on the screen while you give the introduction to what the men are about to see. Then, the last slide you will have on the screen when you are giving your concluding remarks of this section of Red Letter Day.
Facilitator Notes: