"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:18-19
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you all have had a great 5 days of 2023. The time between Christmas and New Years provides us each with an opportunity to reflect on the previous year. What did we get right? What did we get wrong? Where could we improve? Although there is no “magic” about January 1, it does provide us with a measuring tool, and fortunately usually a few days off work, to recover from the Christmas season. What's Your Goal? If you are a New Years Resolution type person, what are some things that you want to accomplish this year?
Hike a mountain?
Attempt a triathlon?
Save more monthly?
Daily bible reading?
Follow up Question WHY do you want these accomplishments or reach these milestones? Is becoming more Christlike a part of this internal discussion as you plan out 2023? And do you pray that you may have wisdom and God’s help with these goals for 2023? Remember the WHY While there is absolutely nothing wrong with goals that involve personal ambition, may we all remember that the ultimate goal is to become more Christlike and to follow the example that Jesus laid out for us all. Perhaps your goal may be to read your bible on a daily basis during 2023, but may we not only read our bible each day but may we also apply it to our lives each day. What goals can we set for ourselves that will ultimately lead us closer to Christ and the betterment of our families? In all of your goals and adventures of 2023, maybe we always remember our WHY.
Jon Ross Henderson MD5 Facilitator