“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6:34
The Fitness “F” In MD5 we are very intentional about highlighting the other side of physical fitness which is mental fitness. Remember, it is not about how much weight you can lift or how far or how fast you can run. It is about growing and preserving the energy that God gives you to live a life focused on others. If you are physically fit but not mentally fit then you will not be effective for the Lord or your family and friends. Mental Health Reminders
Exercise your mind: Read or Play Brain Stimulating Games.
Social Interaction: Positive and encouraging relationships.
Hobbies: Something that clears your mind.
Prayer: This is the most important!
The Goal One of the goals of keeping your mind strong, clear and focused on God is to not worry. Worry keeps us from following God's plan for our lives and doing the things that He has authorized us to do as Christian men. In Matthew 6:34 God commands us to not worry. Why? Because He has got everything mapped out already and all we have to do is to seek Him early and often and He will "light our path." Also, because He cares for you more than you can. Re-Focus I know this is easier said than done but whenever you feel like succumbing to worry try this. Take a few minutes to close your eyes, slow down your breathing and meditate on who God is and all His promises about how he cares for you. Then, ask him to "light your path" so that you can focus on the next most important thing that he is authorizing you to do. Don't think about all the "what if" scenarios or demands of the world. Simply rest in the Holy Spirit's strength and guidance to prioritize well, then execute. Re-visit your life plan to help you focus on the man that God has called you to be. Worry will Flee Worry is not of God so when you focus on Him worry will flee! Choose God, not self, in the moments that you are tempted to worry and you will have peace and strength as He promises.
Ryan Johnson MD5 Facilitator