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It’s time for a check-up!

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!

And see if there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the way everlasting!”

Psalm 139: 23-24

New Year Commitments

Did you make any resolutions or commitments for the new year? If not, here is one to consider.

Ask yourself at the beginning of each new year “Am I closer in my walk and relationship with the Lord than I was this time last year?”

Only you and the Lord will know the answer to that question. Let’s face it, sometimes the answer is “no” but that doesn’t mean you are a failure. I think all of us have an ebb and flow in our spiritual growth/walk. But I make it a point each year to have that spiritual check-up and take an introspective look at where my relationship with God is compared to a year ago.

A Spiritual House Cleaning

In Psalm 139, David also asks for a spiritual check-up, and not only for a check-up – but a house cleaning! He asks God to look in every corner of his heart to see if there is anything grievous or offensive. This is a good example of what we should do as we strive for biblical manhood. Self-evaluation and introspection are good, but maybe we need to ask God to specifically reveal to us our short comings.

Earn the Right to Lead

There has never been a time in recent history where we need men to “Be Men” and lead as God has called us to lead. Author John Maxwell says, “We earn the right to lead others when they see us lead well in our own lives.”

Follow David’s Example

We can’t lead well in our own lives without God’s help! Follow David’s example and ask God to search your heart and lead you in the way everlasting!

Jeff Riddle

MD5 Facilitator

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