“From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”
Ephesians 4:16
Let’s be Honest have you ever walked into church and asked yourself, “Where are all the men?” According to an article in USA Today, “Women outnumber men in attendance in every major Christian denomination, and they are 20% to 25% more likely to attend worship at least weekly.” Those numbers are reinforced by a U.S. Congregational Life Survey survey, which discovered the average American congregation is roughly 61% female and 39% male. Many churches have multiple ladies' Bible studies and gatherings, while men’s discipleship groups are few and far between. So Where Have all the Men Gone? Many men do not see themselves represented very well within the church walls. Some of the stereotypical feminine traits found in the church may be driving men away. As the church seeks to be “relational” and “nurturing,” men who are more “goal-driven” and “competitive” can feel alienated. MD5 is such a breath of fresh air as it impacts men for the Kingdom of God. We have seen hundreds of men desiring and becoming better followers of Christ. Essentially, this impacts us individually and our close family and friends. Praise God for that! If this is the only place we are impacting the church's culture, however, we may not be doing enough. We need to be more visible in the church. Rise up men! Take back our roles as leaders of the church. Step out of your comfort zone and use your gifts and talents at the church house. Here are Some Suggestions
Volunteer in the nursery or children’s ministry.
The future generation needs your influence.
Truthfully, this may be one of the culprits because, as children, we saw only women leading here.
If you love the Word, teach the Word.
Maybe God has given you the ability to teach.
We always need those who can lead Bible Studies.
Plan and execute a men’s retreat or activity.
Let’s do manly things together.
This is not to say that fellowship is good enough, but make sure it has a spiritual goal.
Join the choir. ‘nuff said.
Sing loud in worship.
Disciple and mentor the next generation.
The list could go on, but some of these ideas may have sparked something within you. The bottom line is to prioritize the church and let your presence be felt. Let’s turn the tide!
Travis Sellers MD5 Huddle Coordinator